Early Teen Girls
This class is for younger teens (13-15 years) to solidify technique, build strength, and introduce grace and emotion into dance. Learning to incorporate storytelling and creativity in movement, students learn through a variety of styles including a ballet foundation with modern, jazz, and contemporary.
CLASS TIMES – Saturdays from 12:15-1:45PM
Teen Girls
This class is for older teen girls (15+ years) who want to learn to dance for multiple settings. With an emphasis on performance, contemporary ballet technique, and strength, this class learns contemporary, modern, and jazz styles throughout the season. Living the story of the music, learning to dance as a part of a team, and creatively expressing emotions through dance are just a few elements targeted in this class.
CLASS TIMES – Thursdays from 4-5:30PM

Teen Boys
Our Young Men’s program is growing and growing, now including Teen Boys and Conditioning & Foundations. These classes are for young men who want to learn the fundamentals of dance used for multiple settings including musical theater and social dance. Exploring many styles, learning core ballet technique, tricks, turns, and jumps, and tying them together to find the balance of strength and grace along the way.
Teen Boys classes include participation in Pairs class.
Conditioning & Foundations offered when sufficient interest.
Class Times – Thursdays from 7:30-9PM
This class is for students to expand their repertoire learning to dance with another person. A deceptively complex task, the students learn to not only attend to their own steps but that of their partner as well.This class includes complex dance skills, partner communication, and appropriate partner boundaries (in dance and theater situations) while ensuring that both parts of the partnership feel safe and supported. This class is for boys enrolled in Teen Boys and girls by invitation of the teacher. Styles explored include swing, ballet, ballroom, contemporary, modern, and jazz.
This class is included in Teen Boys registration. Girls’ attendance by Invitation Only.
CLASS TIMES –Thursdays from 7-7:30PM

Advanced Teens
This class continues the development of ballet technique focusing on contemporary ballet and modern. Incorporating more complex choreography and skill, dancers must work together to create at new levels. Class enrollment is by invitation of the teacher.
CLASS TIMES – Thursdays from 5:30-7PM
Advanced Pairs
Building on skills learned in Pairs, this class expands stylistic opportunities to explore a contemporary/modern style while telling a story. Incorporating more complex lifts, turns, and other partner work. This is a class for advanced dancers by invitation of the teacher.
CLASS TIMES – Thursdays from 6:30-7PM